Page 172 - Carrollton 1988
P. 172

Dear Mami & Daddy,
                                                                 Thank  you  for  always  believing  in  me,
                                                                 your little girl. You have taught me every­
                                                                 thing  I  know  &  I  love  you  for  it.  These
                                                                 memories and so much more will last for­
                                                                 ever in my mind and heart.

     Tammie,  Thank  God  He gave me such  a cute,
     wonderful sister.  I will always be here for you.
                       I Love you,

                                                           Seniors this is it! Everyone has said it and it is true, without
                                                           of you, our class wouldn't have been so special.
                                                                             Good Luck Alwaysl
                                                                               Remember '88!
                                                                              I Love You Guys!
                                                                                 Bye!   LILI

    My Family:  You are my best Friends
    Thank you.
    P.S. From Liz on down (in age) You guys are the
    best cousins ever!
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