Page 87 - Carrollton 1988
P. 87

Jocelyn Juarez
                                                                          Miami, Florida
                                                Joce's on vacation far away ... Hey Babe, What's up? ... C ool... Like, I don't
                                                know ... Pope - Party '87 ... Sylvia, I don't want any more coffee ... Les, do
                                                you think you're cool? ... Jeanette, you're the only one who thinks so ... Hey,
                                                P atter..,  Lizette, Anita, Lili, are you going out to lunch?  ...  I failed like with
                                                an ” F" ... Tough ... Yes it is, yes it is ... Hi, y 'a ll... J ... Jo, Joce, Jos, Dufe,
                                                Goon, Filippi... Stowe '85 ... Georgetown '87  ... Later Carrollton ... Thanx
                                                Mom,  Pop, Abuela, Berta ... oh yeah, and Lyn ...

                                                Under all speech that is good for anything, there lies a silence that is better.
                                                Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time.
                                                                                                  Thomas Carlyle

                                                "I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm."
                                                                                                 Calvin Coolidge
                                                "I don't know anything about reason, but I know what I like."
                                                                                                    Henry James
                                                "Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead."
                                                                                          Ancient Chinese Proverb

                                                "If you want love, you've got to give a little  ...
                                                If you want faith, you just believe a little  ...
                                                If you want peace, turn your cheek a little ...
                                                You've got to give, you've got to give  ... to live.
                                                                                                   Sammy Hagar
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