Page 89 - Carrollton 1988
P. 89

Itamara Vanessa Lochard

         Bonjour chiquita!  ... Is today Friday? ... Cookie Party ... I think I'm getting sick  ..
         . Lini, admit it, this has Hamburger Helper right? ... O.K. who's got the house free?
         ... K.P.!  ... I wish I were in Mexico ... Baby Oil and Lifesavers - the necessities of
         life ... I'm frustrated ... I need a vacation ... I can't handle this anymore ... Laisse
         - moi en paix!... Do you have a pen? ... Let's go horseback riding!... You wanna
         be sweet?  ... Enough partying Jean-Marc  ...  Alka-Seltzer Plus to the rescue ...
         I say we write that popcorn poem Grace ... That's a Sonia joke ... I've gotta lose
         w eight... Quoi?l... Look how poufy it is... July 4th,  1987 - the only way to drive
         ... Love, I'm telling you, it's the Disney police ... I have a headache ... Ms. Haile,
         Do you have aspirin, Tylenol, anything that kills pain?  ... Don't ask me - Je ne sais
         pas!!... Please don't tell me the test is tomorrow ... Wonderful!... I forgot my jour­
         nal - again ... Looks like it's gonna be white nig ht... Field Day '87: Lini, (ha, ha),
         just try to open your locker,(ha, h a )... 4-wheel driving on the beach  ... Frosted
         Flakes with bananas and Quik - in the right state of mind  ... I swear there was a
         U.F.O. - Grace and Anne were there tool  ... Stop making fun of me!  ... Safaries
         at Anne's house... Why doesn't anybody believe m e?... Are we gonna play Twist­
         er? - 1know, I know, that is your line, Anne ... Smile!... Chiquito, soit gentil... O.K.

         Sly, what happened? ... Merrie Christmas Park ... Are you ill? ... Dark Side of the
         Moon ... Umaguma ... Roxy Music (avalon)... U2 co ncert... Bob Marley .. .UB40
         ... Roxanne ... The Police ... Why are there so many mosquatos? ... Picture, pic­
         ture  ... Don't make fun of me!  ...  So, I'm the exception to every rule, so what?
         ... In Careyes, anything goes... FarmStore's chocolate ice-ceam, Hagen Daz Cof­
         fee ... Manny, Grace - enough bickering you're both wrong (ha, h a )... Fogatas
         on the beach ... Quemaro: Just listen to those waves chiquita ... Serious lalaland
         ... Let's have a reggae p a rty!... Freedom is to find solitude ... Lini, Jill, Sly, Sonia,

         Grace, Ceci,  Sofl, Anne,  Franique,  J.M.,  A.R.,  Yanes - 1LOVE YOU ALL!  ...  Smurf,   A mind is like  a parachute,  is has
         Green Giant, Mushroom/chipmunk, Blanca Babinski - thanks for the fun  ...  Merci   no function unless it is open.
         maman et Tomy pour to u t!... O.K., Where's the K.P.? ... Don't look at me like that        Emerson
         ... it's not the end yet, we've only just begun  ... Bisous ... Ciao ...

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