Page 148 - Carrollton 1993
P. 148


       in Carrollton

                                                                      This year the Christmas festivities
                                                                      turned  out  quite  different from
                                                                      those in the past. The Junior class
                                                                      planned the day with the theme
                                                                      "A Western  Christmas." The day
                                                                      started  off with  a  prayer service
                                                                      com m em orating  the  faculty.
                                                                      This  event  was followed  by  skits
                                                                      perform ed  by  the  d iffe re n t
                                                                      grades and committees.  For the
                                                                      more  adventurous,  there  was
                                                                      also  Square  Dancing.  Secret
                                                                      Santa gifts were distributed later
                                                                      followed by an early dismissal
                                                                                       Cristina Navarro
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