Page 152 - Carrollton 1993
P. 152
On the week of November 9,
1992, th e Prim ary S chool,
which consists of grades one
to three, m oved to the New
C am pus, The M ontessori
m oved on November 13. The
M ontessori an d th e Primary
School m oved to the cottages
beside the main building. This
m o ve w as m e a n t to h a v e
taken place at the beginning
of the school year but, Hurri
ca n e A ndrew ch a n g e d this.
The New Cam pus, known as
the Hughes Estate, consists of
a m ain b u ild in g , w here the
Seventh a n d Eighth grades
are housed and the small co t
tages. Each class is in their own
c o tta g e . The c o tta g e s are
built like little villages separat
ed by a path. Each cottage is
like a little house with a rest
room and spacious rooms, in
which the classes are held. The
Montessori students enjoy lunch in their new campus. Primary School has a new art
studio, com puter and science
lab. The playground as of now,
is on its w ay to being finished.
"I like it because we Their assemblies are held in the
have our own cottage Pavillion beside the cottages.
The Pavillion used to be used
and we are the oldest
as an old tennis club. The stu
people." Elizabeth dents seem very h appy and
Nuell enthusiastic a b o u t their new
campus. Cristina Gross