Page 65 - Carrollton 1993
P. 65
Carolina R. Arellano
July 14, 1975
CAROL. Carlto.Caro-Caro. Carins.Carol. Carolanne.Carel-
lano.midg,little bugger.bonbon.negra.sxual chocolate,
caca arellano. .Jessica,stop naming meL.TeTiroPaPizo.
Bro! . . amor,I LUV U11... Lil' Crlsmy cutest
mojol, Alex be nice!...Cat Cay again?...sunscreen.Jess
let's not be mean ...Bimini Bayu's...Prom 92' 93'... mysecret-
lovers.J promise i don't like him...flirt like there Is no tomor
row. . MyParentsAreOutofTown...Party4evr...all nlghters...
Carlos I didn't do anything ..Sure!.. Que Curdal...cause
that's the color that i am.. Carlos, LetsgoShopplngL.sneak-
outs w/Glorl...morning car rides w/Jess...allnaZ:chonga. the
ChlnxLvr.. m aile:cham y,the other negra Sin Pena... my little frlend.scareface4evr...Silvla:fk
naG:Wassup! ..Natalie my Lil'flea . Elli’s rifa china...nicole:
VballBud.G L.O.W. .DD la nica...CaroR,the otherKado...
weekends2remember..,2manyannlversaries W/carlos...
adventures w/glori,jenny&silvla,..mlstollne the make-up
remover.,.u're So STOOPIDL.EIEden...weekends at luly’s
house,NewYearsEve 92'...Waisted!...4thofJulyBustl...Car
los. notDiscoL.lourdesXmasFormal,out of hand!...I love
Mr.X.-.cocoplum sightseeing w/Glori...Carlos-dookie
hoe. best bud loveU4evr...mlnga my little
bubushco . Hom ecom ing 91 '9 2 '...weekends dt 555
w/glori&Jenny...Marl y Caro,m y fav ants...M arcle.
iluvU2...Mari,Eduardo.y Carlos mis prlmltos que
adoro...Claudla.thanx4 being a big sls!...Carlltin&me for 3
years.thanx4 always being there for me,I LUV YAL.nanl.l
didn't forget you...Lola,my cuz...CaroG,Behavel...Peter,u'll
always be in my heart4evr,l LOVE You,,.abu,abuela.y
abuellto.graclas por todo que me han dado...and Maml y
Papl, thanx 4 ALWAYS being there for me, I LOVE YOU
GUYS!II.. Bye Carrollton...See YaI!...THIS HAS BEEN ONE