Page 68 - Carrollton 1993
P. 68's not Fabiola, it's Fabiana...Time flies fast
                                                         when you're having funMildon'thavesmallfeet... Spies-
                                                         likeUS.. .BUSTEDbythebiker.. .Who'sJamesandhecallsy-
                                                         followhim. ..lesssingalongs.. .BrazilianPossie... 11/10/90thebig-
                                                         inningofit ALLL...SomanymenSOIittletime...Aleqe...WOW...
                                                         CURLYRED,NORMAN .POOKIE...WhenarewegoingCATTLE-
                                                         tahairoverBarrysyndrome... Mana .wearitwithpride... ALWYS...
                                                          land...HALLS anyone,anyone...LUUUCY,REEEGIS...U2.youare-
                                                         tooprettyforMEtowipemysweatwith...Marcela,when arewe-
                                                          ingsat.detention!?NervousTICKS...CHRIS,i love you said the
                                                          bear!!!Aug.92 Gone with ANDREW,THEstorycont...AVF,MP-
                                                          LessonsWELLIearned...Sarasota...THE BEST...banana...KIILER
                                                          Rlbo...KevinCrew,where areyou?Oh,him,heisjustmyneigh-
                                                          bor...BRAZIL91w/MA,AVF...YOU GOT BE REAL...VOLLEYBALL
                                                          my life..,JuniorOlympics
                                                          #1 FAN...SOCCER rumbles,thankx for the black,dou-
                                                          ble cu.Pernanbuco...BACHA,TE AMO...trustmetheywill-
                                                          GROW...  Giu,Ale=Que mundo  pequen College...  NO
                                                          WAY... WAY.. .Disney93aveclaFAMILLE.. .M iJt's
                                                          Amore...COTO+Ricardo.lF YOU CAN DREAM IT,YOU CAN
                                                          DO  IT...Ms.Boyd,could  notsurvivewithout YOU...Mrs.
                                                          ManiacLyoufellfromheaven...THANKS...MOM.You are the
                                                          wind beneath my wings...DAD.thanks for giving me the
                                                          strength to go on...I LOVE YOU BOTH...DRICA,you know you
                                                          are  going  to  miss  me.  but  you  can  have  my
                                                          car...RICO,thanks for all your advice...Lui don't have the
                                                          words...Scott.thankxfor listening...Carrollton,experience of a
                                                          lifetime!!!THANKS...EC, RC,FC,AC,RC=a familia mais
                                                          louca,mas eu nao trcaria ela por nada neste mundoNLife
                                                          only gives us a handful of friends,THANKS...Ithink I am blab-
                                                          bing.butit's too hard to say goodbye...18 now .and never
                                                          again...Ithink it's time for me to fly...TCHAU...
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