Page 71 - Carrollton 1993
P. 71

Manette Diez

             Manett Monet Annette Minute Minute Rice Zu-Zu Summer of   N.Y..the apt. my 2nd familia Jara Lee Monica Dani M
             '91 the original VDT                                  Jeff Adam Andre Roger Saf Nick Keith Matt Alex Chi
             mommy.daddy.quiefy.spoodgy.greedy.munchkin.lucy.grand­  Rich Joe, the weekend friend, the city once again
             ma.grandpa. twinkle. S.F. ....southstreet, teatlme EFC Dancete-   raves dorians, the mill, tilt the once again lists comps,li
             ria deadends sidewalks 611  Cool melody, amsterdam k&m   music the clothes the toys the b.r. the drag queens ttv
             summer school fire drills fieldtrips the plane trip back  honk   ies the flea market the #s the mooching
             papers in the park coffee shop 1st dead show sun splash regu­  sllmelight bullet.palladiumthxemeskopprimal piermont
             lar summer act.Junior year, what I remember was great...not   the clock. Save the robots,liquid sky nasa wonder baro
             grape party hunts. Jason Orlando Bricked gang Sheridan Ali­  bar jackie 60's Jara my best friend  I love you and
             son. ..Society groupies society days the with *T* and Howard.   hand chocolate muffin the pointless scamming myl. I.
             A.R.,S.M.,K.B.AL., brother days Marcia...then  Newscafeven-   the  bee  beep  beep  said  the  horn  honk  honk s
             tures. living In denial BIGAsmalla VWbabes thepoleChristmas   phenethe hamptons for the weekend Jara & I's nigh
             Break at my condo marathons through the grove Living at   cath edie the venture have I lost my survival kit rica
             grandma's Valentines Day. Arts festivals. Katie I love you and   claud  lee usfishheadtotherave in brooklyn where a
             miss you...the squats debesa tlctacs katiemobile THE CLUB   Maryland St. Elmo's Fire,cellar,blue
             James taylor the dead tunes ring ceremony Easter Vaca­  miracle.baloons, CHICKEN. Back to N.Y. thanks to Cori
             tion...velvet  creme  hoby,Johns'basic  instinct,  the   5  of  us,  Scott-o.,.l'm  in  withpineap
             accident,merry Christmas, the scams'turn off the bugs the   face...snuggles...peace...did I miss my plane.
             lights are after us’                                   Bfeast at midnight...endless nights,what time is it?...ti
             ...P.S.B.R.Arrested  at S.M.  Crip, kind who  cares.  The  VCJT   back whats left to be done now? Get into
             K.B.,C.S.,E.S.,S.H.J.B.,N.P.,A.R.,S.M.,J.M., the activities,  don't   college.. .N.Y.U .bound.. .senioryearsabi. ..stressoutove
             remember, W.L. Sheridan loves Jesus Christ "there are no bells   doverworried.stress release pookies, my opposite twi
             In  my ring'  “Shells, thats...ymmy, horoscopes, the alleged   difficult decisions in life Are we late?never Byebye a
             activlties.Llth B.R., Sher's House the pictures. The cool riders,   extra adventures
             Joey my buddy. The prom, Ihe boat, the bust, the jahovas, the   thanks everyone I know and love for allthat you have
             golden rules sher's b-day surprise, summer comm.ser.Alison’s   me and have done for me. I'll never forget
             automobile, the smart boys, Jeff&Jason the summer festivities,   grandma louis gloria monica angle jara llove you.
             bayslde  evenings, rollerblading. the  bonfire.  Free at last

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