Page 73 - Carrollton 1993
P. 73
Denise Dorn
"Those who dream by day are o\mi
many things which escape those m.
. . dream only by night. "-Edgar Allan M
"For how much longer can I howl m
this wind?"-The Cure
i -
K ««
"Dreams! In their vivid colouring of life-
As in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strife
Of semblance with reality which brings
To the delirious eye more lovely things
Of Paradise and Love-and dll our own!
Than young Hope in his sunniest hour hath known'-Edgar Allan Poe
loMyPet...No Puedo...Fifo...CHANCHO...Touretter...Cockroach rub...The
Phantom...NICA little cucaracha...tenes Carmex?...Stake-
outs(Binoculars)...Icicles/Furnace...Haceme...Swahili...No fallal...MP: I swear Sakls not
on the test,..NODOZ(Mimls)...GreyPoupon...TeToca...It's a contendor...
SUCCM/TQCPA...It's Mango Season again!.,.FreddyFleFly...CanCun...
PupuTapal . Estoy Manic!...Pecad & Geisha...I'm blind 2night...Que viva Leon J-
!!...PS:lt's Ovid time,..leg budging,.. neck/lluvUTourette...Golldth...He's a MAN!!..,C's
smellyshoes ...PurplelipBluerobeBlacksocks..,Chucket!
don thavecholera...Dlanish:myfavorite "cuisine'...serioustdlksaboutTheCherokee... 'bout that pearl necklace-or is it hardware?...Chickies...Because I'm
Dutch. Non-Sequiter News...Observe...JH:cosquillas...EdvardMunch...Ecuador
’92.. .StarshipEnterprise.. .Pioge,. ..ricekrisples... JohnnyDepp.. ,NA:nicoleyfrijoley,. .pikkin
gsenlaoreja . good footage...XYZ Affair...ES:Boppin' P...silentone...Fishdance...
Iwon' thurtyou(gentle).. .IfoughtinthelranianWar...VelvetCreme(Labrenza).. .TaiKwon
ChlnDol-whydon'tUletthebirdsout?...TopThat,..l have stubs...Udon'thavetheproper-
tools...ModernDayProphet(U'r all doomed!)...Roy/Benji...Bl:Live it!...LaSalleRum-
ble. ..KKKnlght..,B&D'sUndergroundOrganizedCrimeHeadquarters...Godfather(lgive
Uapieceof-)...We're orbiting.,.THEPHONECALL,..TerryMurphy...expelthedemons(Elli)
...Maile. URadork!.. wewereattackedbypirates...NinjaRap...DonKing... SM:Hair-
Club4men...#2Pencil...Messylockers...THEBOYZ(EUGENO)...OTD...Caro, theBugI...Pur
ple Woman, where R U?... Electric Horse... I'm Voluptious... It 'saClassic...
orCrazyGuy?.,.BUNK...HAMMOCK...NewYears'9i ..,crazyplace...THE CURE
'92(RobertSmithmysoulmate).,.SUMALUMA Always...Huggins,Stanley,$Sidney-lluvu,
Melvin...But what do I look like to you-a turquoise feathered peacock flying over
the fetid smell of Haley's Comet?