Page 89 - Carrollton 1993
P. 89
Yvonne Katherine Piedrahita
"you see that's all i really want to do Billy boy, i want to
leap off this pier and fly high In the air and hang out
w/the wind and drift w/the clouds, and at night the
moon full and the sea wild I'd meet my lover high in a
cliff and we'd scoop down into the ocean and swim all
the way up through the dark water and touch the bot
tom and break the surface and then fly to Jamaica for
plna coladas. I Wish I could do that.”
Stealing Home
Kathy. ..Kat.Katica...Katster,
not Norman...Life is 2 Imp. 2 be taken seriously...I'm not
m ad I'm just thinking,..MARZ. THAT CHICK IS
HANEOUS...nunor infat.3/90-? WHATEVER!...Key Biscane
rendez-vous w/Becky...i am the master of impossible
relationships.„ MR,i need a date...Ocean Reef'90,'91
golf cart high speed chase...Desi.y is he soo
ugly?. #7&eounting...operation toilet was never
flushed...Fabi the queen.,.BL, r u retarded?...MDR&KP
bros at heart...the potatoe man...Tyrone's.i'm in luv w/a
man 2x s my age...again...SC.when's Utah?..,CC,k.l.t
hehehe...S.F exchange...S.l games w/DG.VN,JK.LM...
Sonoma party=TOTAL obliviation . M.D 20/20 my
buddy MDR s paarty'92 treat'em bad & they keep
running back 2 u... Jorge .when's Jamaica 4 & yes, I do
want the fairy tale. Bahamas w/MDR&FC...chased by
the Gainsville murderer at Cat Cay...FC,y r your feet so
small small. Is Is b/c u r short?...German,another hook
up?...Cali raisins visit...orlando experience...he makes
me feel klnda funny...Tony.where r the gum &tictacs4
the hoe down... Baby .that blondies crazy...curly red in
luv many men so little time...BL.di me lo
cantando...China,be-fri since 5th...AA, hurricane hurri
cane pechuga con papitas...rangier at Bimini 7/92
=sunshine&woman w /a mission.,.Kevin,u o me a
m ovie..,4th of July, i hear fluffy...FC,my
a c c o m p lic e .. pookie...THIS IS CARROLLTON,NOT
BELENlL. did i stutter m.f.,.DD.when r we going
spying ...never trust a guy that drives a jeep...Carrollton
class of '93, It doesn't get better than this, thanks 4 the
memories...JT. thanks 4 being there...CB.DC.FC.MDR.BL.
a lifetim e Is not too long to live as,, words can
express my luv 4 you all...Life moves pretty fast, some
times u gotta stop & look around b4 It passes u by...