Page 89 - Carrollton 1993
P. 89

Yvonne Katherine Piedrahita

             "you see that's all i really want to do Billy boy, i want to
             leap  off this pier and  fly high  In the air and  hang  out
             w/the  wind  and  drift w/the clouds,  and  at night the
             moon full and the sea wild I'd meet my lover high in a
             cliff and we'd scoop down into the ocean and swim all
             the way up through the dark water and touch the bot­
             tom and break the surface and then fly to Jamaica for
             plna coladas. I Wish I could do that.”
                                               Stealing Home

             Kathy. ..Kat.Katica...Katster,
             not Norman...Life is 2 Imp. 2 be taken seriously...I'm not
             m ad  I'm   just  thinking,..MARZ.  THAT  CHICK  IS
             HANEOUS...nunor infat.3/90-? WHATEVER!...Key  Biscane
             rendez-vous w/Becky...i  am the  master of impossible
             relationships.„ MR,i need  a  date...Ocean  Reef'90,'91
            golf  cart  high  speed  chase...Desi.y  is  he  soo
             ugly?.  #7&eounting...operation  toilet  was  never
            flushed...Fabi  the  queen.,.BL,  r  u  retarded?...MDR&KP
            bros at heart...the potatoe man...Tyrone's.i'm in luv w/a
            man  2x s my age...again...SC.when's  Utah?..,CC,k.l.t
            hehehe...S.F  exchange...S.l  games w/DG.VN,JK.LM...
            Sonoma  party=TOTAL  obliviation  .  M.D  20/20  my
            buddy  MDR s  paarty'92 treat'em   bad  & they keep
            running back 2 u... Jorge .when's Jamaica 4 & yes, I do
            want the  fairy tale.  Bahamas w/MDR&FC...chased  by
            the Gainsville murderer at Cat Cay...FC,y r your feet so
            small  small.  Is Is b/c  u r short?...German,another hook
            up?...Cali  raisins  visit...orlando  experience...he  makes
             me  feel  klnda  funny...Tony.where  r the gum  &tictacs4
            the hoe  down... Baby .that blondies crazy...curly red  in
            luv many men so  little time...BL.di  me lo
            cantando...China,be-fri since 5th...AA,  hurricane  hurri­
            cane    pechuga  con  papitas...rangier at  Bimini  7/92
            =sunshine&woman  w /a   mission.,.Kevin,u  o  me  a
            m ovie..,4th   of   July,   i   hear   fluffy...FC,my
            a c c o m p lic e ..  pookie...THIS  IS  CARROLLTON,NOT
            BELENlL.  did  i  stutter  m.f.,.DD.when  r  we  going
            spying ...never trust a guy that drives a jeep...Carrollton
            class of '93, It doesn't get better than this, thanks 4 the
            memories...JT. thanks 4 being there...CB.DC.FC.MDR.BL.
            a   lifetim e   Is   not   too   long   to   live   as
  ,,  words  can
            express my luv 4  you all...Life moves pretty fast,  some­
            times u gotta stop & look around b4 It passes u by...
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