Page 94 - Carrollton 1993
P. 94
at Carrollton...yes,my initials are PMS...non sequiturs of life... hello... MRC Summer Patricia M. Sanchez
jf/24/89...Freshman 8th period commando missions... my 15's-3/24/90...we graduate in 4
i,guys...Xmas4mal '89...CO=Slurpl... my husbnad Mohammed...the BEST F-Folliesever...out of March 13,1975
I at Grand Prix...Beach Club BBQ nights with the “bunch"...Belen football #60...Xmas 4mal
*1/92...1001 parties at Javi's...Walter Mercado has now entered the building!...Becky.don't
) chusma(bla!)...Becky&me&ourimaginaryfriends..,3250...papelazo nights #1 ,#2,#3...Jimmy
itt.,.Good Cause.,.PARTY w/BL 3/20/92...Tango, chats, & brashopping w/Natalia...AA-
|r/4getretreat...New Years'92 on boat... Bimini 8c Red Lion Adventures (isthatabasketora-
)...4/29/92...bruises..,7thDeen=invisibleorchestra...2/14/92 & Mezzanotte evenings (AZ-S8SD!-
ienSenior Prom '92...Blue Lagoon parties...Calle 8 adventures (Mo!)8cMartin T... no
bo!...IUMINA crew(NM,DD,PS)...Denny's elevator song game...cosquillas...fatal
|ctions(no fallal)...I'm a NEW woman!...iluvu tourette...laborpains...DD,who is that James-
iman??...Miami crew on Greyhound(pelucs,buddybeaver,LR,LC,AA,MP8cme)...Martha-the-
iiilslayingofour3rdgradepetWORM, Joey... JH-” mass'... JH,CR,DD-We're in
3dor?|...Popi...midnight concerts&outings,. .las 3 gringos.,..Ovid time,..double
ndre...shuukgg etl... “lovers"!(badreathbandit,DoWopMike,playboy)...padre,gramps8c the
can cussing machine...leopard...stress...Black socks, purple lip, and blue robe!!!...Cortadito
Vs.,.VERSAILLES...Flurricane at Nat's...Venus & “AFRO"dite in the night...I had an AFL..MS-
y...FC-hairsplitting moments...AG-futon,BM,8c Duke...GA-my favorite Buddhist!...JS-
,3yrs=whatmorecanisay?...VB=BF/SKB/ilu/sorria!...SV-thanx4beingthere... AZ-teparo-
lso...“l will survive"car trips...CONGRESS '92-'93... To my family: Thanks for the love, the sup-
and staying up late!.,.CIass of '93-ITI miss you but I'll never forget you!...Thank you, Carroll-
.1refuse to say goodbye!