Page 99 - Carrollton 1993
P. 99

Coping with Chang

                                                 The  Junior  High,  m ade  up  of    two  years,  students  also
                                                 the seventh and eighth grades,       a b o u t  the  proper  usa
                                                 has  gone  through  m any            gramm ar  and  writing  s
                                                 changes  this  year.  The  most      their  english  classes
                                                 obvious  transition  occurred        acquire  knowledge  abo
                                                 when  they  moved  to the  new       nation  and  the  world  in
                                                 campus.  However,  academ i­         studies,  and  in  Religio
                                                 c a lly   m any  changes  have       importance  of the  indivi
                                                 been taken on by the students.       with  the  aid  of  Jesus.  Tf
                                                                                      also the choice students
                                                 The seventh graders take class­      in taking either french or
                            U )                  es  that  will  prepare  them  for   ish.  They  also take  com|
                                                 the eighth grade. For example.       physical education and
                                                 Algebra I begins in the seventh
                                                 grade  with  the  basic  founda­     With the different progra Ic
                            o                    tions,  but  the  following  year,   campus this  year,  the  s  e
                                                 te a ch e rs  em phasize  m ore
                                                                                      and  eighth  graders  wil  x
                           ■                     algebraic skills with the hope of    learned  to  cope  with  q  |r
                            c                    preparing them to take geom­         and  occasional  diffic jljti
                                                                                      and  have  becom e  aw
                                                 etry  as  incom ing  freshmen  in
                            D                    the  high  school.  Likewise,  the   the  w onderful  opport ii'
                                                 scie n ce   d e p a rtm e n t  has   offered  to  them.  Throu
                                                 developed  a system  of teach­       guidance of the teach*
                                                 ing  seventh  graders  methods       fellow  classmates,  they
                                                 to  analyze  and  experim ent        able  to  enter  the  high
                                                 through  labs.  This  method  will   with  confidence  and  e rh
                                                 help  the  students  when  they      asm.
                                                 take  Introductory  Physical  Sci­
                                                 e n c e   as  e ig h th   graders,  a
                                                 course which will prepare them
                                                 for  high  school.  Within  these

                                                              Pam Butler                        Maria Hewett
                                                   Physical Education, Athletic Director   Assistant Director for the Juni'
                                                                6-12                             Spanish, ESL

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