Page 99 - Carrollton 1993
P. 99
Coping with Chang
The Junior High, m ade up of two years, students also
the seventh and eighth grades, a b o u t the proper usa
has gone through m any gramm ar and writing s
changes this year. The most their english classes
obvious transition occurred acquire knowledge abo
when they moved to the new nation and the world in
campus. However, academ i studies, and in Religio
c a lly m any changes have importance of the indivi
been taken on by the students. with the aid of Jesus. Tf
also the choice students
The seventh graders take class in taking either french or
U ) es that will prepare them for ish. They also take com|
the eighth grade. For example. physical education and
Algebra I begins in the seventh
grade with the basic founda With the different progra Ic
o tions, but the following year, campus this year, the s e
te a ch e rs em phasize m ore
and eighth graders wil x
■ algebraic skills with the hope of learned to cope with q |r
c preparing them to take geom and occasional diffic jljti
and have becom e aw
etry as incom ing freshmen in
D the high school. Likewise, the the w onderful opport ii'
scie n ce d e p a rtm e n t has offered to them. Throu
developed a system of teach guidance of the teach*
ing seventh graders methods fellow classmates, they
to analyze and experim ent able to enter the high
through labs. This method will with confidence and e rh
help the students when they asm.
take Introductory Physical Sci
e n c e as e ig h th graders, a
course which will prepare them
for high school. Within these
Pam Butler Maria Hewett
Physical Education, Athletic Director Assistant Director for the Juni'
6-12 Spanish, ESL