Page 104 - Carrollton 1993
P. 104
Seize the Day
jrou know your history, then you tem is important. In an effort to
[lid know where you are conning probe and analyze the U.S. govern
n," by Bob Marley. ment, each year Juniors and
Seniors have the opportunity to
Ss the reflection of history and participate in Close-Up, where they
ure. Art is an influence, and art go to Washington D.C. for a week.
listory. It shocks the world into i
ility. To appreciate it is to feel it The Arts, as traceable even before Fn
live it. written history, mirror the revolutions
and changes in hum ankind
hange is constantly happening, throughout time. Da Vinci, Monet, e
n so is history. In our society Andy W arhol, and Georgia
ay, we must be aware of all the O'Keefe are a few of the artists that
ange occurring around us in have sparked public controversy. In
ler to make decisions. This con- retrospect, one appreciates their
I at is the basis of Contemporary efforts to expand their ideas and
I >bal Issues, a course offered to demonstrate different perspectives.
liors before they graduate. By their example, students learn to
express personal insights through
ttsurvive in the present, one must their works of art: Photography, Arts
jderstand the past. As far back as Sculpture, Music and Painting. In
p Egyptians and until the end of the light of the many ways of
5 recent Cold War, each event expressing viewpoints through art,
s consequences upon individual one is able to awaken the world, to
Itures. Particularly in the United seize the day. As long as the indi
|qtes, all these changes have vidual can have freedom and
veloped personal, politica l, grow th, the world will have a
-ial, and economic outlooks. For chance to improve.
s reason, the study of the U.S.
ivernmental and economic sys Giselle Guerra and Cecilia O'Reilly
Maria B. Valdes
Jackie Hirsh, OSF World History
AP & US History, Global Issues Government/Economics, US History