Page 108 - Carrollton 1993
P. 108

Caritas Vincit


   igion  in  the  World  Book  Dic-   attitudes,  world  philosophies,
   lary means,  "anything  done    and  dwelling  in  religious  dilem-
   followed  with  reverence  or  nas  builds  a  closer  relationship
   votion."  At  C arrollton,  the  with  God.  With  the  knowledge
  j  itholic Religion grows through   obtained  throughout the  three
   Deriences  taken  along  the  years,  th e   seniors  d e ve lo p
   th  towards  d  true  com m it-   awareness  of  oth e r  p e op le .
   int to God.  What  better way  They learn to communicate with              CO
   see  G od's  presence  than     other members of the communi­              O
   ough the  retreats  which  are  ty  in  order to  make this world  a
   fended  by  ea ch   student,    better place. Through the Com­             O             7 0
   votion  is  not  the  only  focus,   munity  Service  program  which
    the love that is shared by all   starts  in  the  sophom ore  year        Q
   ough  each  person's  spiritual   and  continues  with  a  greater                Q  § r
   irney.                          emphasis  into  senior  year,  stu­
                                   dents grow.                                       2  <  Q
    students  begin  this journey                                             C
   freshmen in the Church Histo-                     Giselle Guerra           C/5           O
  jClass. This class evaluates the                                                          D
  ■sic foundations of Christianity
  Id   its  growth  as  well  as  an                                          o'
  lalysis  of  the  Bible.  As  tim e                                         CD
  ipsses, the  sophomores  ques-
   n  values  and  m orality  in
   ics, A second year Ethics, but
   a deeper level, is taken by the
  gldrs.  Dealing  with  personal

                                               Sr. Blaeser
          Sr. De Stefanis                   Psychology, Ethics,
  Campus Ministry, English 9, Religion        Social Justice

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