Page 111 - Carrollton 1993
P. 111



                 Top (L to R): Mrs. Trujillo, Christine
                     Rohrbeck, Marcia Del Rey,
                     Meghan Robinson, Yvonne
                 Pledrahlta, Cristina Ortega, Car­
                  olina Bergaz, Fabiana Caporal,
                 Michele Perez, Ofelia Rodriguez,
                 Carolina Arellano, Gredel Opitz,
                Malle Rodriguez, Jolle Souto, Liza
                   DiFabio, Alina Zanetti, Jessica
                   Vega. Alina Gonzalez, Regina
                   Carvalho, Not in picture: Silvia
                 Mestre, Nicole Aguelles, Claudia
                   Maria Ferreira, Adriana Riviere

                The Athletic Committee is here to
                enhance the athletic spirit In Car­
                    rollton students. Heading the
                  committee is Fabiana Caporal
                and she plans to work with Burger
                King to get discounts for athletes
                 and to sponsor a sports banquet
                             outside of school.

                  Their main goal, though. Is their
                 plan to volunteer at the Special
                 This year a new committee was
               formed by Denise Dorn called the
                    Film Committee. Its plan Is to
                increase an interest and appreci­
                    ation for film In the Carrollton
                Community. During the year they
                   will host a “Name that Game
                 Show' and will film various other
                  school activities on video tape.



                    Top (L to R): Christine Cover,
                    Rozalynn Frazier, Danielle Dill,
                Amy Santiago, Denise Dorn, Dlan-
                 agelica Brockmann, Sonia Otal-
                  varo. Lesley De La Torre. Maite
                         Blanco, Cristina Gross,
                ChristleAnne Darlas, Marllu Rivas,
                 Vanessa Ferro, Marcela Zamora,
                Veronica Raaijen, Vanessa Acos­
                ta, Manuela Menendez, Mrs. Vlzzl,
                  Madid Gonzalez, Elena Sadler,
                Antonella Romano, Siblla Muhoz,
                  Giselle Guerra, Cecilia O'Reilly,
                Manisha Parvani, Annette Alonso,
                           Carolina Rodriguez,

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