Page 110 - Carrollton 1993
P. 110

Healthy Bodies create

            Healthy Minds

                                                      Throughout the United States        " X I
                                                      and  the  world,  getting  in       —
                                                      shape has become a priority         —J
                                                      in the last decade. At Carroll-
                                                      ton High School, Mrs. Rotella       £/}
                                                      has assumed the role of con-        “   *
                                                      veying this  message to  her        Q )
                                                      students and  making  it as
                                                      lively and varied as possible.       Q
                                                      As freshmen, the students
                                                      take Personal Fitness in order      m
                                                      to  learn the  importance of         a
                                                      having  and  maintaining  a
                                                      healthy body. First Aid is also     (^2
                                                      learned  in this class.  Knowl­
                                                      edge acquired is then put to         o
                                  Kitty Rotella
                                  PE & Personal Fit­  practice throughout the rest        Q Q
                                  ness, Day Camp      of the  Physical  Education
                                  Director            classes. These classes require      — *
                                                      walks  com bined  with  a            O '
                                                      weight-training program that
                                                      stresses the value of keeping        D
                                                      a  healthy  body  and  mind
                                                      through the frequent  prac­
                                                      tice of exercising.
                                                                   Giselle Guerra

  Responsibility with Creativity

                                                       Under the direction  of Rev­
                                                      erend  Rick, Carrollton  High
                                                      School  is  heading  into  a
                                                      wave  of new technology.
                                                      With the widespread  use of
                                                       computers,  the  students           O
                                                       need to learn  different pro­       o
                                                       grams.  Besides the ordinary
                                                       programs for typing, research       3
                                                       and printing, the school com­
                                                       puters are used for more var­
                                                       ied and specific work like art     u
                                                       and journalism.  The  use  of       c
                                                       Apples  and  Macintoshes
                                                       common  in the school  and
                                                       the students have access to         (D
                                                       the  computers during their
                                                       free  periods.  Rev.  Rick  is      c /3
                                                       always helpful with a  ready
                                  Rick Kraus-Neale
                                  Computer, High       smile when  his assistance  is
                                  School               needed.  He  also teaches
                                                       apart from  the  basic  pro­
                                                       grams, an Advanced Com­
                                                       puter  Research  class  for
                                                       those students who want to
                                                       further improve their skills.
                                                                    Giselle Guerra

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