Page 105 - Carrollton 1993
P. 105

Solve the Equation:


                                                 "Mathematics is the queen of all    department, hopefully, the  FI si
                                                 sciences,"  Karl  Friedrich  Gauss  men next year will be taking B jc
                                                 declares.  W hat  better  way  to   gy  instead  of  Introductory  Fly:
                                                 demonstrate the  interconnection  cal Science, the Sophomoray
                                                 between these two subjects than     also study Biology, the Junioly
                                                 by analyzing them.                  continue  in  Chemistry classic
                                      <D         The perfect example of the unity    the Seniors will have Physics
                                                                                     elective.  Since,  IPS will  not
                                                 between  math  and science can  the  High  School,  by  1994/   |r
                                                 be found in the subjects of Physics  there will  be  one  Biology
                                                                                                                 l !
                                 And  ©          form ulas  such  as  v = d /t  and   Physics classes will  exist.  Fine  r a
                                                                                     two  Chemistry classes,  and
                                                 and Chemistry. The basic founda­
                                                 tion  of  Physics consists of difficult  Physics class.  In  1995/1996
                                                                                     1996/1997,  instead  of  he
                                                 E=mc2.  Thankfully,  though,  Mrs.
                                                                                     Physics as an elective Seniot
                                                 Lindeman  allows the Seniors not
                                                 to  memorize  such formulas,  but  A.P.  Biology,  A.P.  Physics,
                                                 instead  analyze  them .  Factor  other  excelled  class  w
                                                 istry.  However,  the  poor Juniors
                                      o          labeling forms the basis for Chem­  offered as an alternative  |V
                                                                                     In the mathematics depar
                                                 com e  to  dread  hearing  those
                                                 words  from   Mr.  C rockw ell's  changes  have  already  b
                                                                                     The  newest  addition  is  Di»€
                                   CO            mouth.  Both  factor-labeling  and   Math.  This class presents nntt
                                                 using formulas are further studied
                                                                                     matics in a variety of realistlla
                                                 through  the  mathematic  courses
                                                 taught  by  Mrs.  Cuza,  Ms.  Ram-   relevant  applications.  Thl u
                                                 pey, and Mrs. Trujillo.             time,  we  will  learn:  knowwd
                                                                                     into  the  real  world.  Chanp
                                                 Changes that will  occur in  both   lead  to  growth  in  scienclja
                                                 subjects  within  the  upcom ing    mathematics.
                                                 years will  even  further combine
                                                 certain  concepts.  In  the science                        GisdfSi.

                                                           Alan K. Crockwell                  Beth M. Lindeman
                                                          Biology. Chemistry                     IPS, Physics
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110