Page 101 - Carrollton 1993
P. 101
Literature: Language
Charged With Meaning
English is a package. It comes in and Principles of College W
various shapes and sizes, a sur and Novel which is taugi
prise to many who open it for the Mr. De Los Santos, Senior
first time. have courses that emph
analysis and development,
The foundation of the package ever, some students will cf
consists of two components, writ what is known as the "big
ing and literature. Mrs. Bell pre lenge" AP English. Taught t
sents the package to the sopho De Los Santos, this course
more class by teaching the sim to prepare the studen
plicity and eloquence of British a d va n ce d co lle g e liter
Literature. Through her class stu courses.
dents learn the roots of w hat
cam e to be known as American Understanding how pas
literature. From the writing of our c o n te m p o ra ry writers
founding fathers to that of mod viewed the world, the Jouri l i
ern authors such as poetry creat class under the guidance c I
ed by Robert Frost and drama Muldoon encourages expr
by Tennessee W illiams, our and perception. The Focu
kn o w le d g e o f the w orld is has completed their task t ip
enriched by the language of our ducing the school newspa e
country. Mrs. Holtman brings the
message of these authors to life. The risk has been taker
package has taken four y< |r
As the students search deep for hard work to be openedlh
the meaning of the package, will never be compMt
they are faced with choices to revealed for such com ait
be made. Whenever the choice requires experience.
is Shakespeare a n d M odern Annette Alonllc
Authors, both taught by Mrs. Bell, Giselle <IIk
Joyce M. Muldoon
Journalism, Assistant to the Director of Carole M. Holtmann
High School US Literature, Honors US Literatur
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