Page 113 - Carrollton 1993
P. 113


                   Top to Bottom. (L to R): Monica
                   Bolano. Maria Tobon, Michelle
                 Garcia-Allen, Carissa Giaugrandi,
                   Jennifer Golllnger. Denise Was-
                   mer. Regina Coello, Mr. De Los
                    Santos, Melissa Perez, Jessica
                    Lopez, Claudia Miyar, Lauren
                 Mack, Carmen Kroepil. Maria Fer­
                   nanda Suarez, Maitee Hernan­
                     dez, Alicia Villasana, Natalie
                     Descalzo. Dulce Hernandez.
                   Heather Gillingham, Josie Ruiz,
                              Nevart Papazian

                   The Perform ance C om ­
                m ittee's goal is to provide
                     entertainm ent for the
                Carrollton com m unity.  For
                Halloween it will do a joint
                   project with the Kids for
                  Kids Com m ittee and has
                  a large scale spring pro­
                     duction planned with
                   other schools. This year
                the Social and Pep-n-Spir-
                       it Committees have
                  joined to create a more
                     social and interesting
                   environment.  It pains to
                    have activities such as
                    the Dating G am e with
                             other schools.



                 Top to Bottom. (L to R): Ana Recto. Mme
                Hlmmer. Yvette Vllloldo. Melissa Cruz, Kelli
                  Patterson. Frances Pando. Loreno Voll-
                    rath. Olivia Mattson. Tiffany Ramirez.
                 Melissa Gronller. Arlette Gonzalez. Esther
                     Suarez. Cristina Murclano, Michelle
                Mazzel, Carolina Gutierrez, Cristina Navar­
                  ro. Carolina Murclano. Cristina Pelleya-
                    Khourl, Vanessa Vidal. Manette Dlez.
                   Katie Bumham. Louise Vazquez. Karla
                 Pita. Jessica Lora. Isa Marla Velez-Ybarra.
                 Laura Kelly. Patricia Pujals, Jessica Lastra,
                 Marlsa Cornelia, lllda Alvarez. Ana Gon­
                 zalez. Ana Marla De Leon, Ana Fuentes,
                                   Lisa Gonzalez.

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