Page 113 - Carrollton 1993
P. 113
Top to Bottom. (L to R): Monica
Bolano. Maria Tobon, Michelle
Garcia-Allen, Carissa Giaugrandi,
Jennifer Golllnger. Denise Was-
mer. Regina Coello, Mr. De Los
Santos, Melissa Perez, Jessica
Lopez, Claudia Miyar, Lauren
Mack, Carmen Kroepil. Maria Fer
nanda Suarez, Maitee Hernan
dez, Alicia Villasana, Natalie
Descalzo. Dulce Hernandez.
Heather Gillingham, Josie Ruiz,
Nevart Papazian
The Perform ance C om
m ittee's goal is to provide
entertainm ent for the
Carrollton com m unity. For
Halloween it will do a joint
project with the Kids for
Kids Com m ittee and has
a large scale spring pro
duction planned with
other schools. This year
the Social and Pep-n-Spir-
it Committees have
joined to create a more
social and interesting
environment. It pains to
have activities such as
the Dating G am e with
other schools.
Top to Bottom. (L to R): Ana Recto. Mme
Hlmmer. Yvette Vllloldo. Melissa Cruz, Kelli
Patterson. Frances Pando. Loreno Voll-
rath. Olivia Mattson. Tiffany Ramirez.
Melissa Gronller. Arlette Gonzalez. Esther
Suarez. Cristina Murclano, Michelle
Mazzel, Carolina Gutierrez, Cristina Navar
ro. Carolina Murclano. Cristina Pelleya-
Khourl, Vanessa Vidal. Manette Dlez.
Katie Bumham. Louise Vazquez. Karla
Pita. Jessica Lora. Isa Marla Velez-Ybarra.
Laura Kelly. Patricia Pujals, Jessica Lastra,
Marlsa Cornelia, lllda Alvarez. Ana Gon
zalez. Ana Marla De Leon, Ana Fuentes,
Lisa Gonzalez.