Page 185 - Carrollton 2007
P. 185
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In/ Gabriella Sanchez 0 7 and Stephanie Mouawad ’0 7
On October 2 0 , 2 0 0 6 , Carrollton alumnae and
members of the Class of 2 0 0 7 gathered in M eli's H all
for the annual ‘ A lum Churn" breakfast. Carrollton's
Mentoring Program builds a bond between the senior
and her mentor. Seniors asked alum nae questions about
the college application process, college life, and life after
college. The experience was invaluable to the seniors
who left with a greater understanding about the college
process and the beginnings o f a new relationship.
Clockwise from topt
Seniors Hannah Rich and Ana Linares, with Nicole Moreman and
her alum clmm Elise La Foniisse Thyree '79: Alumnae pose on (he
steps of Meli's Hall; Sister Cooke addresses (he alumnae and the
Class of 2007 Senior Stephanie Mouawad with her alum chum
Laura Kelly '95.