Page 254 - Carrollton 2007
P. 254

iJeeel ca.

                                        Congratulations on your

                                        graduation] Wa are eo

                                  H | proud o f you and all o f

                                        your aocomplishmants. Yoi
                                  p B  hava suoaassf ully

                                        aomplatad an im portant

                                  3S| stap of your Ufa. Kaap

                                   H  worldn0hard baaausa
                                  S  nothing In this lifa is aasy.

                                  ■  You oan go as fa r as your

                                  ■  draams oan 'taka you.
                                  m  Wishing you luok and

                                        suooass in all th a t you do.

                                  — - You hava a bright futura

                                  m  ahaad of you! Wa lova you

                                        and will always ba hara fo r

                                        Love always,
                                   ^ .fa p a , Irene, Nilza, Kacjuel,

                                  ^  /^Carlos Javier, Fanny,

                                  r f  Karina, Michael, and
                                  K  Eduardo-Jcee.
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