Page 256 - Carrollton 2007
P. 256
Dear deee\,
I don't' really know where to
etaxt, you have boon my beet
friend elnce the day that I
wae bom! Wo havo ehared eo
many momorioo ‘togo'thor and
I know that we will continue
to do eo\ 1am eo proud of you
Jood I havo learned eo much
from you, and 1am eo bleeeed
to have an older e\eter liko
you to loolc up tol I lovo you eo
much! ft eaddene me to know
that you're loaving me horo,
hut 1know that our frlendehlp
will etlll romain strong! I will
always bo horo for you!
Your littlo brother,