Page 98 - Carrollton 2007
P. 98
BeW The Junior c its celebrates ahei a successful itiijlit.
in/ Alyssa Lindsay oS
On February18. the Junior class once again
helped host the annual fundraiser at Havana Harry's
Cuban Restaurant. In preparation, rite girls donned
aprons in substitution for their usual plaid and spent
the evening waiting tallies, seating quests, and helping to
pepaie food.
Although many found themselves with a new
appreciation for the work involved in the restaurant
business (especially waitressing!) - overall the night
proved to he a fun and rewarding experience which
raised money for the Coconut Grove Cares Foundation.
The evening was a huge success thanks to the
generosity of the owners, A rthu r and Nieves Feal. and
the hard work of the entire Junior Class.
Above lejt: Junior Lauren lim es lakes a break from the busy night
to take a picture with her little sister Gabriella t?.
Above: Juniors Katie Mas ami Stephanie Lynch take salads to
their tables.
Left: M r. Field and his daughters, Alexandra and I anren, smile for
the camera before being seated.