Page 103 - Carrollton 2007
P. 103

Right  Freshman Maria LIini
       Garcia Lujan shows off het serious
       fax on  Militant Monday"

       Below: Seniors Lauren Gomez
       (left} and Lisa Herran (right)
       fomulete their mission in the
       obstacle course on  Military

                                                                                                  Above: Students take time
                                                                                                  out on the E l Jardin
                                                                                                  playing field.

                                                                                                   Left: (left to right)  Freshmen
                                                                                                   Natali  Arenribia,  Luerenl
                                                                                                   Fields, Tara Rosenberg, Santra
      Above  Sophmores  (from left to right I  Mary Pisano, Bianca Barrio nuevo. M
                                                                                                   Pines, Amberly Nardo,  f
      Fernandez, Monica Maspons  Milayros Saharots, and Dominique Villegas sl
                                                                                                   Taislta Saati, Amanda  I
      their acting talents in the skit performed on 'Field Day."
                                                                                                   Dagnan.  Jessica Milton; ana
                                                                                                   Lauren  DetValle  march in
                                                                                                   line during "M ilitary

        bore (from left to tightl Seniors Andrea Becerra, Francesca Morello, Mariana Becerra,
        ula Collarte Karina Garcia. Stephanie Mouawad. Adriana Lamas Jessica Garcia, and
        llison Tague show their wild side for the camera on "W ild Wednesday.’  Right  Freshman
                                                             Samantha  Ehlers  (left)
                                                             Senior Lauren Gomez (right)
                                                             pose  in  their  royal  attire  on
                                                             "Tiara Tuesday."
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