Page 16 - Carrollton 2006
P. 16
On October 20th, all of
C a r r o l l t Q U | j | | ! | d j ^ _ _
St. Hugh to celebrate the
Feast of Mater Admirabilis.
White and pink shirts could
be seen all the way down
Main Highway as the
students walked to church. I
Above: Mrs. Barreth and the school choir sing for the rest of
Carrplltol. Right: Primary students Madfsein 'torehzo,fe|izabetll
Diaz, anJTarina Tourefc
The colpr pink comes from the tradition oftfie
Sacred .Heart schools to venerate the fresco
^C-IVlatef AmicaMis.The fresco, which was
painted by Pauline PerdrauS1844, formally
got its name when Pope Pius IX saw ^it and
exclaimed “Mother Most Admirablq.”
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Feast of Mater Admirabilis