Page 20 - Carrollton 2006
P. 20
Sisters Cristina (12th) and Laura H Alfonso and their mother, Rusty, offer
petitions during mass.
A Mother is one of the most important figures in ayoyng girl’s life. Each year, Carrollton dedicates a day
t o ; i g i^ n d id a ly g h te rr
On each campus, students irtvite thpir tnothers. granclmothe/syaunts, op other significant women in their life
to come and have breakfast and participate In fyn games. Ip,t h e 'High school,,the drama classes put together a
funny play depicting mother-daughter relationships throughout history, At the'junior hjgh, an entire tea parly
was set up as a delightful way for: mothers ^nd' daughters, to spend iirne. together.
Above: the Wilde family at
junior High Mother Daughter
Left: Seniors Alexandra Block,
Sharis Deravakian, Isabella
and Alexandra Mot, *Wi'
fe w iitiohia'on Womens' Day.'
Moth er-Daughter D