Page 97 - Carrollton 2006
P. 97

National Honor Societies

                                                                           This year, the High School community gatherec
                                                                           together to celebrate the induction of new
                                                                           members to the Honor Societies. Parents
                                                                           and students watched as new members were
                                                                           inducted into the academic National Honors  I
                                                                           Society, and Spanish, French, and English
                                                                           National Honors Societies. These students wen
                                                                           commended for their outstanding achievement
                                                                           throughout the year. The inductees recited a  ]
                                                                           pledge which stated their society’s goals, rules,
                                                                           and expectations. Each inductee received their
                                                                           official Honors Society certificate and pin duri|
        Above: The new inductees for 2006.                                 the ceremony.

         Above: Mr. Danguillecourt addresses the new Honor Society members.  Above: Junior Jennifer Safstrom and Sr. Cooke.

         Above: Members of Carrollton's first chapter of the National English Honor Society are inducted.
                                                                            Above: Spanish National Honor Society president, senior Isabl
               Congratulations to the 2006 Honor Society Inductees:         More, recites the pledge along with new inductees.

      National Honor Society    National English Honor Society  French National Honor Society  Spanish National Honor Society
      Sara Arjizo za, Blanca Be gen, Carolina dc Am   Sara Arazo/a, Blanca Begcrt, Tasneem Campos,   Andea Ucar, Ivette Stanziola. Christine Marrero,   Zahra Barnes, Carolina de Armas, Madison
     Elizabeth DeZulucta, Dorothy Anne Hector.  Carolina dc Armas, Sofia del Rivero, Dianna   Maria Sagarduy. Brittany Bahamon, Natalie   Levine, Caroline Peguero, Maria Teresa Silva,
                                Ferguson, Alexia Fernandez. Dorothy Anne   Meruelo, Christine Velazquez  Mercedes Trigos, Mariana Vanin, Asfiya Yunus,
      Tanceica Rufin. Caralu   santos, Maria Teresa   Hector, Alyssa Lindsay, Catherine Mas, Carolina   Alexis Abella, Karina Granda, Monica Suarez,
      niva. Carolina 5ittersor  fCftc Starwiob, Marian   Pcguero, Emily Rcy, Catalina Santos, Marla Teresa   Mailec Lange, Alexandra Pizzi. Michelle Suarez,
     Van          rine Wolfsthal, Ajfiya   Silva, Ivette Stanz<o!a, Mercedes Trigos, Pamela   Megan Tague, Elizabeth Turner
                  Pardo, Andrea Riviere   Villa. Asfiya Yunus. Alexis Abella, josefina Aguila,
     Mar          a Zeledon. Alexandra  Karina Oanda, Sophia Hassor Granado. Christine
                                Limonte, Ana Linares, Isabel Uanes, Hannah Rich.
                                Andrea Riviere, Jenniferc Safstrom, Sarah Selem,
                                Lolita Sosa, Analorena Zeledon

      96              i    Honor Society Inductions
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102