Page 110 - Carrollton 2016
P. 110

Junior High robotics students present their robots to the Intermediate comm unity.

     Carp 'ton stuaenis participate in the first Code Art Miami,m  co.llaborattion; between
     Girls Who.Code Ciuos and COO'eULA. was founded in 2013 by Josie
     Goyrisolo.77, Maia Suazo-M.aler and Rory Cosio 119. In addition to coding skills,
     CODeLLA teaches internet safety and basic digital literacy
     I hirteen of the top ?0 pieces, recognized in the com'peft on were created by
     Carroiiton students. Intermediate School Student^%h© received awards are:.
     Second Place - Pajiina rfenandez. Semi&alists - Mia. D.eschapelles and Aiexa
     Guerrero Amayo, Honorabie Mention - Kaysi Crook, Alessia Garc'e Ama^d-, Maria;
     Wolfingtor. and CamillaIfeschapeles.

      Coding is the language of the future  ! love coding because I enjoy watching the

      computer follow my commands. When ,1code, I stretch my mind in ways I never
      though: possible
      I maoe a skeleton pencil holder with iinkerCad fa 3.0 printing website.) I used a
      skeleton because H is the basic structure of the hu man body, [f you are using, my 31
      object, you are probably a human end can relate to my .design.
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