Page 148 - Carrollton 2016
P. 148
zbrating Black .History Month with a series of presentatii Junior High 'Stiidents attending the Book Fair
Traveling to Taiwan was an enriching experience, t.eammg about .Is cu'tura!
diversity and rich history provided a deeper appreciation for the Mandarin
language and insight into their well organized society. The "MRT," i'"a;wa” 's
subway system) is safe,clean, and': runs on schedu.e, and the local people
we met on our travels were friendly The cuisine was mostly traditional, but
some restaurants infused modern flavors
In our four nights at the Sacred Heart School, we madefriends with our
Taiwanese sisters and leamed about their formal classroom style. During
class, the teacher would lecture and there was no engagement with the
students although the students enjoyed breaks where they could talk and
play games. We enjoyed attempting to communicate with the girls, and
This spring break the Eighth Grade Spanish class traveled to Spain laughed: when they showed us pictures of Justin Bieber in their pencil cases.
for the language immersion trip. In, Madrid, we-visited,the most
renown monuments and participated in traditional Spanish activities While we struggled eating every meal with chopsticks, and embarrassed
such as flamenco and paella classes. In addition, Sra. ourselves in our presentations in the classrooms, our trip to Taiwan was the
Abreu, Sra. Cammarano, Sra. Viera, fny classmates and I1visited two opportunity of a lifetime and every moment was truly remarkable,
schools of the Sacred Heart:: El Sagrado Corazon de Chamartin y
de Rosales. This gave us an opportunity to see how Sacred: Heart Catherine Dwyer '20
education is embodied throughout the world and how it adapts
to the cultures of c ffemnt countries whi'e retaining: its mission and
focus - to provide an; excellent education and a religious foundation,
Stas vacaciones de Pascua fui a Espana junto a otros miembros de
mi clasede espanol 8° grado. En Madrid visitamos los monumentos
mis oopu'ares y particp’amos en actlvicades tradicionales comp
clases de flamenco v paella. Ademas,, junta con Sra Abreu, Sra,
Cammararc. Sra. Sera, y las otras ccmpaheras Carrollton visitamos
dos escudfa.s del Sagrado Corazon: El Sagrado Corazon de
ChaSiartin y de Rosaies Esto-nos die laopOrturiidad de ver como
la educacidn del Sagrado Corazon se encarna en toco el mundo y
como se adapta a las culturas de dife.rentes palses, cohservando su
mision y enfogue; para prooorclonar una exceiente educac or' y uha,
fuhdacidn reltgipsa.
Students participate in an engineering project by constructing the new
furniture for the’ Innovation Center