Page 149 - Carrollton 2016
P. 149

Gabnela Ganty' 19
                                                    Eighth graders Carolina
                                                    Garity and Nina Gallinar
                                                    competed in the 201,6
                                                    Fairchild Challenge, "Green
                                                    Cuisine: Meals for Space
                                                    Exploration." The goal of
                                                    the project was to produce
                                                    a recipe with ingredients
                                                    that astronauts can
                           Ill 17K
                                                    easily grow in space. The
                                                    Carrollton team created
                                                    the Camgaro Summer Rice
                                                    Salad, featuring brown
                                                    basmati rice, a variety of
                                                    fresh vegetables,and a
                                                    homemade vinaigrette.
            The school provides a rigorous, education that   The girls gave a two-minute
         incorporates all forms of critical thinking and inspires a   presentation to the judges and served 30 sampi
                   life-long love of learning.      students' creativity and the diverse flavors of the
          The Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Education

  The Junior High is awarded Fairchild's top
  award for Middle Schools
   The Fairchild Challenge 2015-2016

   This was the best year yet for Carrollton in the Middle School Fairchild
  Challenge, a true team-effort, involving Sixth/Seventh, and Eighth graders.
   Carrollton took first place out of 66 schools from around MiamiDade County.
   Students participated in every Challenge special honors in several
   competitions, all involving the "Voyages of Plants."          ■ I }  The  Fairchild  C h a lle n g e   S c h o o l  o f   E x c e lle n c e
                                                                  1   ■ T h fJ F a irc h ild  i|H A tirN t.t: c o m i ( r ; 1    n tiis a r iiN W v ,   ' •

                                                                  I  •  E X PER IEN CIN G  NATL R E .- EXPERIMENTING WITH ID EA S -  T A K IN G  •
   Challenge 2: Global Challenge: Environmental Change-Top ten design and
   Second Place in the world competition - Alexandra von der Goltz   C arrollton  Sc h o o l  o f  the Sacred  H eart
   Challenge 5: Citizen Science: Growing beyond Earth - First Place.  I  Recipient of The  F a ir c h ild   C h a lle n g e  Award f o r  10 c o n s e c u tiv e   t e a r s
                                                                                   Inducted in 2016 .
   Challenge 7: Green Cuisine: Meals for space Exploration - Special Merit for
   “tastiest" salad - Nina Gallinar, Carolina Gonzalez and Gab'iela Garity
   Challenge 8: Citizen Science: the Million Orchid Project - Second Place
   Vs. Moira Holohan earned the 25 bonus points for the Educator Challenge,
   n addition, Carrollton received the "10 year Banner for Excellence' and won
   >1000 as the "top School' in the competition.

                                                               Eighth Grade students c
                                                               Plants from Faraway Plac
                                                               Alexandra von der Goltz
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