Page 157 - Carrollton 1999
P. 157
In keeping with the Goals
o f th e S a c re d H e a rt
Schools, Carrollton School
has a strong commitment
to its social justice pro
gram. It commits itself to
educate to personal growth
in an atmosphere of wise
freedom. As Ms. Carmona,
who is in charge of the
program, would say, “Car
rollton is a committed to
educate out students to
so cia l aw aren ess th a t
impels to actions.” Not
only do the students learn
about social justice a reali
ty in our society.
Above: Junior Samar Uthman shows
are better than one. Below: At T1
Michelle contemplates on her nur
Senior Cristin Aguilera performs comr
helping out all the gals at Barnyard.