Page 175 - Carrollton 1999
P. 175
Seniors at Carrollton are involved in many activi
ties. Top Right: Katherine Murgo offers some candy
during Masquerade Ball. Above: Eva Greco, Olga
Mari Saizarbitoria, Jennifer Miranda, and Alina
Pastoriza distribute presents during Feast Wishes.
Right: Nina Wallin, Casey Lunsford, and Arianne
Traverso show their bumblebee colors for Twin Day.
Top: The Senior class of 1999 poses
for a picture during their senior
retreat, showing that unity binds
the entire class. Top Right: No it’s
not a rainbow ... it’s Seniors! From
top to bottom, Kristia Moises, Jen
nifer Miranda, Olga Mari
Saizarbitoria, Jenni Lucio, Cynthia
Thiry, Cristin Augilera, Karina
Schmid, Nicole Garcia, and Ana
Palacios. Bottom Right: Seniors
gather together for a quick shot
1 7 2 during their break.