Page 175 - Carrollton 1999
P. 175

Seniors  at  Carrollton  are  involved  in  many  activi­
           ties. Top Right: Katherine Murgo offers some candy
           during  Masquerade  Ball.  Above:  Eva  Greco,  Olga
           Mari  Saizarbitoria,  Jennifer  Miranda,  and  Alina
           Pastoriza distribute presents  during Feast Wishes.
           Right:  Nina  Wallin,  Casey  Lunsford,  and  Arianne
           Traverso show their bumblebee colors for Twin Day.

           Top: The Senior class of 1999 poses
           for  a  picture  during  their  senior
           retreat,  showing  that  unity  binds
           the entire  class.  Top  Right:  No  it’s
           not a rainbow ...  it’s Seniors! From
           top to bottom,  Kristia Moises, Jen­
           nifer   Miranda,     Olga    Mari
           Saizarbitoria, Jenni Lucio,  Cynthia
           Thiry,  Cristin  Augilera,  Karina
           Schmid,  Nicole  Garcia,  and  Ana
           Palacios.  Bottom  Right:  Seniors
           gather  together  for  a  quick  shot
   1 7 2    during their break.
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