Page 179 - Carrollton 1999
P. 179
Right photo: Left to
right: Seniors Jeanette
Soto, Kimberly Perrins,
Nicole Garcia, Olga
Mari Saizarbitoria, and
Kristia Moises are all
relaxing during break
time in the student
Right photo: Ton to 'HinflEh,
tom, Left to right: AsMej||||
Shnapier, Natalia MeSfli8j|Pl»
Patricia Suarez, MargariM
Mayorga, Cecilia DeCafr*?^
denas, Andrea Rad, Tara ;
Kunkel, Ashley Palercio,
Nicole Grimal, Noel
Wallin, Amanda Codina,
Toinette Rivas, Jennifer
Torrente are exhausted
after a long day at Project
Top left: An eager Montes-
sory student, Meredith
Anguerra, is interrupted
while eating her snack.
Top right: Carolina de
Olazarra and Marijose
Martinez-Lorenzo share
their world with us. i