Page 232 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 232

 Goal III in Action By Roma Alonso 23
During C O V ID -19, the Carrollton community fulfilled its commitment to Goal III - A social awareness which impels action.
From the very first day o f school, Carrollton students become part o f a community inspired by the Goals and Criteria o f Sacred Heart Education, and how to stay true to them. With so many people struggling at this time, especially those who already are disadvantaged, it s more important than ever
for our community to practice Goal III.
Primary School Director Paola Consuegra said, "We wrote letters to the elderly in the nursing homes in connection with Ms. Rhodes and led by Ms. Otero. We had the red heart activity where we asked all of our students to make red hearts and post them on their home front doors in support of all first responders. We are also participating in the backpack drive sponsored by the Upper School. It has been difficult for our youngest learners to engage in Goal 3 activities - we are so relational and it has been challenging for them but the teachers are doing the best they can to make sure they continue to pray and keep all those most vulnerable at the forefront of all that we do!" Third Grade teacher Patti Bruno added, "As Mrs C said, it is harder for the younger students. We do continue to pray
each day and the girls always want to add intentions for those who are sick or those who are helping others."
The Intermediate School has found various ways to live out their Goal III commitment, while staying safe. Intermediate School Director Heather Gillingham wrote, "Our students have been using Thankful Thursdays to reach out to the members o f the community who are working hard on our behalf like healthcare workers and essential workers. One of our students proposed that each Intermediate student write cards for the children who live at His House, that included a greeting
and a game. This student printed all the cards that were sent to her and mailed them to His House. Additionally, some of our Intermediate families have spearheaded collections for Coconut Grove families and for the homeless community. They have been collecting supplies at their homes and other drop off locations giving Intermediate families the opportunity to serve their communities. We've also had individual students take part in service efforts like our 5th grader Emma Filipii who was featured in the Miami Herald for sewing masks at home for the Miami Mask Project. I feel that these are the times when people's hearts guide their way. Girls at the Intermediate want to help others in the ways that they can while at home. Writing cards and reaching out while in quarantine are simple, but meaningful ways the students can serve others."
The Junior high has participated in several collections throughout these 7 weeks of remote learning. Junior High Director Lourdes Wood wrote, "We have taken part in: The Thelma Gibson Health Initiative, Casserole Project, and Mission Ruah. Students have also made sandwiches and masks for the neighboring community. You can always count on the Junior High family; whenever there is a need....we are there!"
The High School community has had great success in fulfilling their commitment to Goal III. High School Campus Ministry Director Ana De Armas wrote, "At the beginning of quarantine it became clear that many lower school parents were needing support with their children, so we began a tutoring program in the Upper School and since March, we have paired over 70 Upper School students W\&\ lower school students. So that for me is the biggest thing we have done because it iswithin our own community and we are able to support parents and faculty of the lower schools. Aside from that, we have done many drives to support our community partners such as Thelma Gibson Health Initiative and Breakthrough. Mairaid Gatcliffe hosted a backpack drive and Olivia
Hidalgo organized a diaper drive. I am so proud of all the Goal III initiatives that our Upper School students launched and participated in. I feel that a good human being is not good because o f the
t ings they say, Ithink it is a combination of deeds and words. Our community overwhelmingly demonstrates what it is to be love in action, what it is to support one another. That is what always makes me proud of who we are, that we are not just a Sacred Heart Catholic Institution by name. We are that by action and deed, as well. It is overwhelming to know that when we ask for help, that
e p aways comes and that will always be the greatest reason that 1love being a part of our Sacred Heart community."
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carrolitonsacredheart Every year the senior class plays an elimination water game, in which each player has to contribute money to fund the event, but this year they decided to support their classmate, Gigi Barquet '20, and to honor the memory of her father, Dr. Glenn Barquet and all those affected by COVID-19. They collected the money to purchase food for the day and night shift healthcare workers at Jackson Memorial Hospital, as well as to a local fire station. Gigi delivered them yesterday with her mother. v #Carrollton #cssh #WeAreSacredHeart

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