Page 234 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 234

 Goal IV
Building community virtually
By Valentina Perricone '23»ci„g,*. C..roH»"Co— it,«»s«ho,andli...ou.o„,Go.1IV..d
its Criteria.
While the Coronavirus has challenged us in many different ways, the members o f Carrollton continue to live out
I TheRveGoafeofSacredHeartEducatfon.GoalIV,"thebui/dingofcommunityasaChnst.anvalue, ,sahuge partofou^reveryday lives as members ofthe Carrollton community. While we do not gather ,n person, community building is thriving, and it is an active part o f our daily lives.
Atthe startofthe 2019-2020 school year, College Counselor Carol Resicar said, "One ofthe cornerstones ofa Sacred Heart education is that it is relational and that it is through relationships that w e reveal and experience G o d s love This focus on interconnectedness allows us to create a nurturing environment centered on building a community of acceptance and respect." Carrollton shapes young students o f the Sacred Heart to become women of courage and confidence Each student incorporates Goal IV into their lives by building community out of love and respect
for others. During this difficult time of social distancing, it is even more important to nurture a community of love and
Many ofthe School's traditional Goal IV activities have been replaced by safe alternatives. Carrollton teacher
Lourdes Aguiar wrote, "The Intermediate School is engaged in tw o activities a week: Thankful Thursday and Fun Friday to help build our community On Thankful Thursday we select a group of people to honor and thank on that day by writing cards, making signs, or thank you notes. So far we have celebrated teachers, and thanked healthcare workers, foster children at an organization called His House, our Intermediate Little Sisters, and our parents." In addition to Thankful Thursday and Fun Friday, the Intermediate students have "virtual snack" with their little sisters, and on Fridays, students can "dress down" in themes. Mrs. Aguiar continued, "We have had a Wear Blue for Autism Awareness, My Screen is So Bright I've Gotta Wear Shades, Disney Spirit theme. Pajama Day, Bed Head/Crazy Hair Day,andthe lastweek ofschool was Favorite Color Day."
In the Primary School, students and faculty have also continued to live out Goal IV in many different ways. Michelle Area, Montessori and Primary School Administrative Assistant wrote, "The Primary School has virtually celebrated
May Crowning. We have continued to do our weekly Friday assembly where the students lead the prayers, teachers share their announcements, and students receive Tres Bien awards for their accomplishments. The Montessori classes celebrated Father Daughter by sending videos to their Fathers." Father Daughter Day is an annual tradition that all ofthe students look forward to participating in each year. Virtually celebrating Father Daughter Day this year was unusual, butthrough these videos, the members ofthe Primary School still managed to build community, which is a vital part o f living out the Mission o f the Sacred Heart.
The Junior High School has continued to live out Goal IV through communal Masses, shared performances and a virtual Field Day. Although students could not swim in the El Jardin pool, or race down a slip and slide on the soccer field, they improvised by playing safe alternatives at their homes. Lourdes Wood, Junior High Director, noticed how being in quarantine has made the Junior High a stronger community as a whole. She wrote, "Being apart during this time of C O V ID -19 has ironically brought us closer. We all realize how much we miss, need and love our Junior High family This new learning environment has showcased a community in which each person is valued, cared for and respected."
The Upper School has continued practicing Goal IV through the collective efforts o f Campus Ministry including regular prayer breaks and other uplifting spiritual messages. Thankful Thursday, a tradition begun early in the school year is continuing by sending out Google Forms that students can fill out and share what they are thankful for or share on the Carrollton Instagram page. Ana De Armas wrote, "Over seventy Upper School students have been paired with Lower School students for the tutoring program." Students have been continuing their tutoring of younger students but now are doing so virtually The Upper School Community also participated in an all school assernbly with Lisa Damour, a psychologist who blends her knowledge of the latest research developments to provide guidance for students, parents and teachers.
e Upper School has continued regular class meetings, but online, where class information is shared and students are recognized (or their accomplishments. Goal Awards for each class were announced virtually. This certainly inspires our Carrollton Community and its being true to the Five Goals ofSacred Heart Education. By the time
u en s reach the Upper School, Goal IV is so ingrained that it continues naturally with the support o f the Carrollton
thatT sT r f u "' f-damentals ofaSacred Hearteducation isthatitistaughtthrough relationships and that It ISthrough relationships, we experience God's love.
We sand you bve well ysfishes!
We ore ALL iHs TOETHE^i
'|owr wAvxuv for »K.s

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