Page 233 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 233

 ; Service through sandwiches I ByIsabellaPolit'23
Many people in the Carrollton community are participating in the Missionaries ofCharity sandwich drive. Gabriela Garrity '20 wrote, "Goal III, 'a socialawareness which impels to action, is not limited to our time on campus. The Carrollton Casserole Project is staying active during social distancing by holding sandwich drives for the Missionaries o f Charity soup kitchen in downtown Miami. Students from all grades and their families made individually-wrapped ham and cheese sandwiches to donate to people in a homeless situation in our local community,"
In a follow-up email to the community Gabriela wrote, "Thank you for an incredible collection of sandwiches today for people in a homeless situation. There were coolers and boxes overflowing with bags ofsandwiches, and the Missionaries ofCharity are very grateful. Our donation was so successfulthatitwill lastthem awhole week."
; Kaysi Crook '24, one of many contributing to the drive wrote, "My classmates and I participated in making and distributing sandwiches to the homeless through the
! organization,theMissionariesofCharityofMotherTeresa.AschildrenoftheSacredHeart,IfeelthatwehaveanobligationtohelpourcommunityIntimesofcrisis,itis ; even more important to help those less fortunate."
^ Kaysi continued, "I feel good helping the homeless, and it reminds me o f how blessed I am to have a roof over my head. Upon return from delivering the sandwiches, I I realizedhowfortunate Iamto beinquarantineinsideofmyhousewithairconditioning,food,andwater,thingsthatItakeforgrantedeverydayofmylife.
Miami Mask Project

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