Page 299 - Carrollton 2011
P. 299
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Carolina Alvarez
Live out her life through lyrics
Daniel® Canasi Alexa Cehallos D anielle Colom a Lauren Cue Sofia Daccarett-Char A zul Diez
Find a cure for life threatening Patent “karate science" “Chillax" while giving birth Perfect the Cheerio Be the next Lady Gaga, Sleep through an earthquake
diseases before bedtime minus the crazy
y A
Jimena Gracia Kelsey G uilford M ayela H ernandez A nn a Hoskinson Susana Jimenez Alexandra K lum pp
Take home leftovers on Tear down social constructs Usurp Anna Wintour's Wear headphones at a concert Scientifically perfect the cupcake Challenge Castro to a dance-off
the first date throne with a whine
M aria M o n i Alexandra M orales Alison M urray jd brie la Nunez M ariana O rbay Jessica O rtiz
Do anything on 5 minutes of sleep Be grossed out by her own baby Party with Megan Fox Creatively erase your carbon Help a stranger through Move into Matt Damon's backyard
and her dad footprint a difficult time
M arianna Pita A lexandria P orter C arolina Ravelo N atalia Ravelo M ic h e lle Robelo Jassenia Rodriguez
Laugh at inappropriate moments Become the next pro gymnast Design your wedding dress Turn your day around Miss school for a weeklong Own more birds than
wit h no one judging her for it with a smile and a hug Hawaii trip Parrot Jungle
M anuela R uiz-Luzio Kiera Russell D olores Sanchez-M orey Nastassja S chm iedt V ictoria Suarez A n o u k Thevenin
Be extremely hyper even Be the youngest Defend Lady Gaga forever Be your coo-coo brilliant Stalk the royal family Make Kid Cudi
after 4 5 minutes of sleep Noble Peace Prize recipient college professor fall in love with her