Page 300 - Carrollton 2011
P. 300
M o lly A rencibia Sophia Baez Carolina Barreto V ictoria Bram billa H annah B row n M aria Cabetas
Marry a cowboy Become a rabbi Have a prince climb up her hair Get detention in French class Make the Buckingham Palace Become an ambassador
guards laugh to "Ehspain "
Juana D iez A nna D im itrije v ic A m ada Echeverria Julia Eisenacher Cristina G arcia-M ontes
Work in Hollywood Take over the world Get a perfect score on IB tests Skip class to w o rk out Take charge of 5NL before the
after having studied 3 minutes age o f 30
Pauline Koetzle Stephany Leal N ico le Lopez-Alvar M aria M arcos N ico le M arcos M argaret Mas
Create a matriarchy Wow everyone with her Take over Broadway Prove Prince Charming does exist Think Ash Wednesday Bake to distract the teacher
poetic abilities is on Friday
Alyssa Padilla D eanna Palenzuela N atalie Pedota Alexandra Perez Elena Pesant Paola P into
Buy an iPhone app for breathing Simulate genesis in a test tube Make you feel good about your Steal your arroz con polio Head the Board of Trustees at Work for the CIA
jokes, even when they're bad Wakeforest
Kristen Rodriguez Laura Rodriguez Alexandra Rom ero Jessica Ross A lejandra Rovirosa V ictoria Rozier
Respond to a marriage proposal Invoke the apocalypse with Say she's "embarazada" when Design the greatest gown, in Become Secretary o f Everything Out rap Lil Wayne
with " WHAAAT?" her sneeze embarrassed complete silence
V ictoria UI vert A nn a lury Villasante Tiffany V irgin N ina V orobieva Jennifer W ild e A lejandra Zam parelli-Perez
Cram for 2 minutes and get a Build the first bridge from Miami Own the WNBA Become a Russian spy Get married while skydiving Revolutionize Washington with
perfect score on a test to Havana "fino" politics