Page 25 - Carrollton 1972
P. 25
"F a rew ell to you and the youth
I have spent with you.
It was but yesterday w e m et
in a dream .
You have sung to m e in m y aloneness,
and I o f your longings have built
a tow er in the sky.
But now our sleep has fled
and our dream is over.
I f in the tw iligh t o f m em ory
W e should m eet once m ore,
We shall speak again together,
and w e shall build another
tower in the sk y."
Maria Teresa C arrillo
M ay 19, 1954
Social C om m ittee 10, 11, 12,
Service C om m ittee 12,
T u torin g-F lagam i 10, 11.