Page 30 - Carrollton 1972
P. 30

"H idden   deep  in the  heart
                                                                 o f things,
                                                              Thou  carest  for  growth
                                                                 and  life :
                                                              the  seed  becom es  shoot,
                                                                 the  bud  a  blossum,
                                                              the  flow er  becom es
                                                              T ired   I slept  on  my
                                                                 id le  bed
                                                              in  the  illusion  that  the
                                                                 work  had  an  end.
                                                              In the  morning  I  awoke
                                                                 to  find
                                                              that  m y  garden  was  fu ll
                                                                 o f flo w ers."

           T eresita  Eguilior
           D ecem ber  12,  1953

    Class Treasurer  12,  Com m unity
    Club  12,  G lee  Club  11,  S ocial
    C om m .  9,  10,  11,  12

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