Page 38 - Carrollton 1972
P. 38
"From the Gate o f Kings the North Wind rides, and past
the roaring Fails;
And clean and cold about the tow er its loud horn calls.
'W hat news from the North, O m ighty wind, do you
bring hom e today?
What news o f Boromir the Bold? For he is long a w a y'.
Beneath A m on Her I heard his cry. There many Foes he
His cloven shield, his broken sword, they do the water
His head so proud, his Face so Fair, his lim bs they laid
to rest;
And Rauros, golden Rauros-Falls, bore him upon its
breast. ’
'O Boromir! T h e T ow er o f Guard shall ever northward
ga ze
T o Rauros, golden Rauros-Falls, until the end o f d a y s.'"
Gretchen K lein p eter
A p ril 14, 1954
Yearbook S taff 11, 12, Christian
liv in g C om m ittee 11.