Page 42 - Carrollton 1972
P. 42
"L ook to this day
For it is life
T h e very life o f life .
In its b rief course
lie a ll the varieties and
realities o f your existence:
T h e bliss o f growth;
T h e glory o f action;
T h e splendor o f beauty;
For yesterday
is already a dream ,
and tom orrow
is only a vision;
But today, w ell liv e d ,
makes every yesterday
a dream o f happiness,
and every tom orrow
a vision o f h o p e .”
Ana M aria Lorido
June 8, 1954
Dram a Club 9, 10, S ocial
C o m m ittee 9, 10, 11, 12,
Literary Club 9, 11, 12, S ervice
C om m ittee 12, G lee Club 11,
House & Garden 11, Tu toring at
F la ga m i 10, Centro M ater 9, 10,
11, 12.