Page 166 - Carrollton 2013
P. 166
Talent Show Wrap-Up Rap
Kirstin: , , . «
We started off the show with some Samba to get us clapping
Next we had Dr. Dre whose song left our fingers tapping
I thought the whole hunger games craze was retired
Yet Cachay rocked us 01 asThe Girl on fire!
Gravrty don’t pull you down as Jasmine clearly illustrated
But, weren't we surprised and yet so stimulated
When the dance class rocked ballet shoes to Gangnam style
You kn ow w e all c o u ld n ’t help b u t smile w hile „
The next act was so worthwhile as Sabrina didn t dial back her style
Pitch perfect up next and it was acca-amazing
their parents and friends were definitely praising
Tori Lutz praised Hallelujah and Shelby worked the crowd
The next four girls sang sweetly-their friends were so proud
Ashley wowed us all with that mad awesome
interpretation „ L . ,.
And Aryelle, Lexis, Lela left us all with e atiqn
As the first act ended, the emcees pulled through
And now we ain’t stopping, we moving to Act two
Caitlyn: , , ..
Intermission came and went yet enthusiasm wasn t
waning , . , . ,
The Carrollton school band was just so entertaining
I thought some hips would pop as the dance team
showed their stuff , t „
Everyone wanted more from Ale K, sure enough!
Dani Poulat touched our hearts with her fierceness and
her voice , , „
Jaqui and Alina came on stage and we ail rejoicea
KirsTin *
It was’ a Teenage Dream when those two girls jammed
Then Rosana told us all she wanted to hola our hand
Aryelle shook it up with a solo tap dance
Then the seniors put everyone in a great trance
And Celine was just incredible.
T a ie n A h o w is a b o u t th e love a n d all a b o u t the spirit.
And after this rap I wanna really hear it|
We’ve been brought close together through this one great night
And there weren’fany cases of bad stage fright
So^weAope you enjoyed the show and thanks for joining us
BuwfaitThere is one more thing that we must discuss!
Enioy life to the fullest and remember Joie de Vivre
Now w e’ve said our piece and you are free to leave
Kirstin and Caitlyn: WORD. ^
Performed Odd written by Tden, Show U C * Caifiyn Meagher. Kirstin Arbide. Meredim Angueira dnd Gabrrela Gonzoi.z