Page 167 - Carrollton 2013
P. 167

“ We do not seek the showy,  the great; a smaller work done with perfection often calls for more
    love and faith  than  that which is great and showy -  (as in  the great G othic cathedrals,  the hidden
    carving is the proof of fhe builders' faifh).  Our most skilled workmanship and loving care should go
    to those  things that no one but G od can see."

  (Above left to right)
  Hearts project by IB
  seniors; watercolor
  portrait by Isabella
  Narea  ‘13 and
  watercolor figure by
  Alexa Economacos
  ‘14.  (Right)  hand by
  Gabriela Alvarez '15
  and ear by Gabriela
  Gonzalez' 15.
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