Page 10 - Carrollton 2001
P. 10
Dream in Pink
What does it make you think?...Some girly color? Dream in Pink is all about how the students’
But do not be misled. Pink has a special meaning dreams are nurtured here. It is a combination of
not only for the Carrollton community, but for the learning and living the Goals of the Sacred Heart
entire Society of the Sacred Heart as well. and what, appropriately enough, a great dreamer
The color pink comes from the tradition of the of our times, Walt Disney, said about making
Sacred Heart schools to the devotion and venera dreams come true —the formula lies in the four C’s:
tion of the fresco of Mater Admirabilis. The fresco Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Consistency.
was painted in 1844 by Pauline Perdrau, an RSCJ The Primary school exemplifies the first step,
postulant at the time. Postulant Perdrau referred to Curiosity. During this stage, the students not only
the fresco as “Pink Mary,” and it ultimately learn their ABC’s and their 1,2,3’s, but their
became known as Mater Admirabilis when Pope curiosity, and their willingness to discover the
Pius IX saw the fresco and exclaimed, “Mother world around them blossoms. The second step,
Most Admirable.” Bathed in the morning light Confidence, is built into the character of the
and clothed in a rose-colored gown, the Virgin, students at the Intermediate level. As the curricu
with a face luminous with the presence of God, is lum gets tougher, confidence allows the students
the special patroness of the children of the Sacred to believe their dreams can come true. Courage,
Heart and a role model. In addition, for Carrollton the next C, is a trait instilled at the Junior High
students the color pink not only symbolizes the . level to help students face the academic challenges
Virgin Mary, but it also symbolizes El Jardin, the and the demands beginning with their teen years.
place where many of the students’ dreams began as Consistency, the last step, implies maturity and
little girls. responsibility. This comes into full play in the
The connection between the color pink and High School, as the students seek to achieve
dreams became the subject of many hours of academically and serve the community in prepara
research, questioning and discussion by the tion to realizing their dream of graduation.
Yearbook staff. What truly makes dreams come Dream in Pink then simply means that the C of
true? What truly makes the dreams of Carrollton Carrollton may as well stand for the four C’s. Yet,
students come true? The collective answer was: the C’s here have a unique dimension —their spirit
Dream in Pink. is pink.