Page 61 - Carrollton 2001
P. 61


                                                                      Real World

                                                                    “Who did they make fun of the most?”  The

                                                                    answer was obvious to those who witnessed
                                                                    Freshman Follies 2001.  The annual skit presented
                                                                    by the Freshman Class depicted the students’

                                                                    experiences encountered during the first year in
                                                                    the High School.
                                                                      The skit was based on  MTV’s The Real World.

                                                                    Mr. Bobinchock, Mr. Crockwell, Mr. Velez, Ms.
                                                                    Paradelo, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Laza, and Mdme.
                                                                    Himmer, all portrayed by freshmen, were the seven

                                                                    “strangers” picked to live under a bridge in
                                                                    Miami.  The show started with Emily Krulik as

                                                                    Carson Daly, the host of MTV’s Total Request
                                                                    Live, presenting music videos choreographed by

                                                                    some of the freshmen.  The action then moved to
                                                                    center stage, set up like a simulated scene  from

                                                                    The Real World, and ended with Ms. Ortiz and
                                                                    Ms. Paradelo, both dressed as Madonna, dancing
                                                                    to “Like a Prayer.”  Sophomore Carolina Nevin

                                                                    stated, “Monica Rosell did an awesome job
                                                                    playing Ms. Paradelo.  She was hysterical!!!”

                                                                    Top:  “Ahhhh  my  computer
                                                                    froze!!!" yells  Monica  Rosell,  aka
                                                                    Mrs.  Paradelo.

                                                                    Center:  Kiss,  kiss.  Muah,  muah.

                                                                    Bottom:  “Someone...  help!!!”  yells
                                                                    Maritza  Arnedo,  aka  Ms.  Ortiz.
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