Page 20 - Unit 7 Brain Stress
P. 20

We know other children’s needs are met

                                                                   very poorly.

        Some children do not feel so                                                                  For some children, the stress

        unconditionally loved, cared for,                                                             chemicals in their body may be

        capable, that they count or in                                                                set permanently on high -

        control of what happens to                                                                    leaving them on constant high

        them in life.                                                                                 alert.

        Life may feel uncertain.

                                                                                                      They see life through ‘Red
        They see life through ‘Blue                                                                   Stress High Alert lenses’.

        Threatened lenses’.

       This makes it so much harder for them to manage the demands

                               of life and times when their needs aren’t met so well.
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