Page 149 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 149

Strong Processing Speed


                  SKILL                                                                                                                                         RAG

                  VISUAL PROCESSING

                  I can pay close attention to details.

                  I can work accurately at a good speed – I rarely miss words or numbers

                  when reading or writing things down.

                  I can check my work for mistakes. I notice and correct any errors quickly

                  and accurately.

                  I can work accurately at the same speed as other people my age.

                  I can complete a task in the expected amount of time. If this is hard for

                  me, I am practising ways to increase my speed and am speeding up, bit by


                  I can read aloud at a good speed which is about the same as other people

                  my age.

                  I can make an accurate estimation on how long it will take to complete a


                  I notice small social cues – ways in which people are communicating and

                  letting me know how things are for them with their facial expressions,

                  gestures and body movements, tone of voice and personal space.

                  I notice important visual information such as notices, signs and posters.

                  I notice changes in my environment.

                 N.B. Although it is possible to improve Processing Speed through repeated and consistent practise, if a child has a specific

                 cognitive difficulty in this area, they may continue to find it extremely hard to demonstrate the skills detailed above. It

                 may therefore be necessary to provide scaffolds and support the child in learning strategies to support their Processing

                 Speed (see our Strength Based Approach to Executive Function Skills book for details on effective strategies and

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