Page 165 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 165

Strong Emotional

                                                                      Regulation Checklist

                   SKILL                                                                                                                                        RAG

                    1. EMOTION & ENERGY AWARENESS

                    I am attentive and aware of my emotions. I can use the Affect Mat to help

                    me communicate pleasant and unpleasant feelings..

                    I am attentive and aware of my energy levels. I can use the Energy Mat to

                    show this.

                    I can identify the 5C need (and specific card with this) behind my ‘affect’


                    I am in tune with my thoughts and feelings from moment to moment – I

                    can notice and explain how they may be linked to each other.

                    2. EMOTIONAL LITERACY

                    I have a range of words (age appropriate) to describe my affect so I can

                    be precise (granulated).

                    3. EMOTIONAL TOLERATION

                    I let myself feel all different emotions, the pleasant and the unpleasant,

                    rather than trying to push them away.

                    When I have an upsetting thought or feeling, I can let myself experience it

                    and think it through, rather than ignoring it.

                    I can manage the feelings of frustration or disappointment when things go

                    wrong (frustration or disappointment control) in ways that are ok for

                    others around me e.g. by explaining what is up rather than screaming.

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