Page 41 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 41

When working on skills, use a

                                             two-pronged approach:

               Dr Joyce Cooper-Kahn and Dr Laurie Diestel advocate

               a ‘two-pronged’ approach in addressing weaker

               Executive Function (Control Centre) skills:

                                                                                                                These take time to build.
                                                             Skills &                                          They work best when the

                                                       Strategies                                            child leads decision-making

                                                                                                                                on them.

                                                          Short-term                                           Things to make the task or

                                                                                                                 situation easier. Needed
                                                         scaffolds &                                            whilst the child builds the

                                                       adjustments                                           necessary skills & strategies
                                                                                                                          to manage well.

                   The next six chapters explore each Executive Function

                   Skill separately, with lots of top tips on how to scaffold

                   and improve each one.
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